Why Just Breathe?

My name is Lisa but I chose "Just Breathe" because most of the meaningful moments in my life have revolved around the breath. And it seems significant; after all there is not life without breath. I am a meditation teacher and meditate on a regular basis which has provided me with peace and balance. So I would like to share some meditation techniques that I have found helpful:

Breathing Meditation can be done at any time and any place:

1. Sit in a comfortable position (on the floor, on a chair)
2. Rest your hands in your lap
3. Gently close your eyes
4. Relax your body by focusing on the areas that are tense. Focus on those areas and deliberately think about relaxing them. You may find that once you relax one part of your body you notice another that is tense. Keep it up until you feel more relaxed.
5. When you are feeling relaxed focus on your breath: you can focus on your chest rising and falling or on the air entering and leaving your nostril but keep your attention on the breath.
6. You will get side tracked with the many distracting thoughts but when you notice it breath them away.
7. That is all it takes. I started with 5 minutes a day and now I do around 30 minutes.

If anyone has the opportunity to try this I would love to hear about your results. They are usually immediate but not lasting initially unless you meditate on a regular basis. I hope this is as helpful to you as it has been to me.