Two weeks sick

The last two weeks have been very sobering. I've had some kind of bug which laid me low, and curtailed my eating plan and appetite so that I've lost 10+ pounds. For the first time in 20+ years I'm actually trying to gain weight! I've also had a recurrence of an inner ear problem which, according to my internet/Google diagnosis, not that of any doctor, is exacerbated by exercise and losing some extra pounds. So I"m in the process of rethinking how much triathlon training I can do. I am, after all, 64 years old, and there's a lot I want to do with the remainder of my life. Maybe triathlons are not part of the equation, as much as I love the swim/bike/run of the training, not to mention the camaraderie of everyone I've met and become friends with over these last 5 years. So I'm going to enjoy the training that I do, enjoy feeling fit when I can, and not worry about racing, or times, or how far I can push myself. When I'm healthy, and I'm going to try and stay that way, I'm going to enjoy it. But I'm not going to push too much and make the rest of my life suffer. After all, one must stay balanced among all that's good in this life.