Surprises Happy and Sad

I had a high PSA for years because I had a large prostate. When my urologist found some cancer it was Gleason 6 and contained so we did watchful waiting; I was "under surveillance" like a terrorist (cancer is like a terrorist, isn't it!) After some years the Gleason score rose and we made arrangements to do a robotic prostatecomy March 12 2010. When I woke up after surgery I found that my surgeon who is very experienced with robotic surgery had "converted" (I am a retired priest and like that word!) to open surgery because my prostate was too large to see in the robotic equipment. Surprise #1! I had no pain in the surgery (prayer to be sure!) and my recovery went well. At my post-op appointment my surgeon informed me that the pathology report said that some cancer cells Gleason 8 had escaped. Tests did not detect any cancer so we hope we got it early. We will see. These were never detected in the biopsies. Surpise #2. So this past summer I underwent 35 sessions of radiation to be sure. Again, it went well and I had none of the side effects I was told to expect. Surprise #3. I also had a four-month shot of lupron; an occasional warm feeling is nice. We will see how it goes with my next PSA in a week or two. Prayers do help.

So now it is almost 8 months after surgery. I am still wearing a pad during the day but they stay mostly dry and I probably can go without one any time I choose. I Still wear Depend underwear at night but again they are dry in the morning. I just sleep better not worrying about my clothes.

Hang in there and you will make it.