Strength in numbers!

None of us should fight our battle alone. Each of us has the opportunity to impact others and it does not require training or a large amount of time. Simple communication. Tell the story of your experience. Do NOT be afraid to get on top of your soapbox and speak. You will be surprised with the results. I recently spent time speaking with a friend who reached out to me to talk about my Prostate Cancer. His brother was recently diagnosed and the day we spoke, his brother had his scheduled bone scan. Cancer doesn't only impact the individual, it impacts all those who are part of the individual diagnosed. My friend spoke to me to get a sense of what his brother is feeling, what his options may be, what the future may bring. His father died from Prostate Cancer years back, so this is a family battle that has resurfaced for him. He wanted to speak with me because he said he admired how I fought my fight and openly expressed how faith, family and friends will see you through all this. Simple communication. He knows I'm here. Neither he or his brother will be alone through this.

My wife recently used her strength in our fight. We both truly believe that God places us in peoples lives for a reason. As many may remember, part of my battle brought me to the Washington DC area to begin a new career. My beautiful wife also started a new career here. This past week she found out that her boss has Prostate Cancer. Being there to speak with him on what to do, what he may experience, and telling him both my experience AND her experience during our battle, provided him great comfort going in to his upcoming surgery.

NO one should fight their battle alone. Simple communication can be the strongest weapon.