Spring has Sprung!

It's hard to believe that we're only a week away from Memorial Day! Here in DC, I have continued to progress in my running and fitness. The Rock N Roll 1/2 marathon in March was a blast! That same month my PSA came back with undetectable readings. That made the month even better.

April I had the opportunity to run a 5k race in my community and then ran in the 30th annual George Washington Parkway Classic 10 miler. Running in DC has become my "thing." The "thing" that helps me realize that life goes on even after you experience that moment where cancer can pull you down. Just treat it like a speed bump!

June 14th and 15th I have a 10k race here in DC and then I'll be heading up to Philadelphia, PA to participate in the annual Prostate Health International Gary Papa Father's Day Prostate 5k Run. I'm looking forward to running with my Penn Urology team as I did last year. It's an amazing site to see so many people come out for this event. The money that is raised does so much for so many.

It's also great to see so many men who are survivors and are there to show their strength by running/walking with all the participants. One day we hope not to have to run on Father's Day. That will be the day this cancer is no longer an issue for anyone.