A Prostate Cancer Journey - So Far.

A Prostate Cancer Journey.

By-John Farrow. 9 and a half year survivor October 2011

I was 57 so every 6 Months, for 5 years, I had the Cancer tests;
Every things all right the MD said, to set my mind at rest;
A few small lumps, PSA of 5, most likely caused by age;
There is nothing wrong, your healthy and no action at this stage;
So off I’d go, a happy man, to know that I was well;
It took those 5 years before it began, my descent into Hell;

For things seem to be going wrong, with my waterworks;
And when at last the urine came, it only came in spurts;
What is wrong I asked my MD, what is the cause of this?
His response was to send me along, to see a Urologist;
A biopsy, the Urologist said that is what you require;
So that was done, the 8 needles struck and set my butt on fire;

It was next day as I was driving home, that I got the call;
It’s Cancer in all 8 biopsies he said, it was like I had hit a wall;
I need to see you tomorrow, to discuss what you should do;
I was in shock, but drove on home, I couldn’t believe it was true;
I rang my wife, who was at work and cried there on the phone;
I have Cancer I cried, she was concerned, but I was alright at home;

That night at home, for my wife and I, just went in a blur of confusion;
I had had the tests, done the right thing, how did we come to this conclusion;
Cancer is an ugly word, one, that you hope, will never be said to you;
You stare Mortality in the face and don’t really know what to do;
Your life is now in strangers hands, where do we go from here;
Tomorrow we will learn more, but at the moment, it is all fear;

The 14 May, 2002, is the day that I learned my Fate;
The cancer was inoperable, it was found far too late;
It was also very aggressive, the Urologist said;
This news only helped, to deepen my sense of dread;
The cancer had spread to the seminal capsicles, outside the Prostate;
So that was the reason, he explained to me, why they couldn’t operate;

The only treatment available is Hormones and Radiation;
What could I do? I accepted that, so I started the medication;
The Oncologist was said to be, the best in his chosen profession;
So I carried out the various things, to stop the cancers progression;
The Hormone treatment was working, my PSA was dropping;
3 Months of Radiation, the spread of cancer was definitely stopping;

The side effects of the treatments are not easy to endure;
They really do, change your life and really so much more;
The ED, the Hot Flushes, the tiredness, the Impotency and Fatigue;
But what is the alternative, live with them, they come and then they leave;
3 great years we fought real hard, to keep this beast at bay;
But finally it advanced and thought; it had won the day;

But we just regrouped and brought in, stronger weapons to the fight;
3 more years, we threw them at it and fought with all our might;
But it has now advanced some more, where do we go from here?
I’m not ready to give up the fight; of it I hold no fear;
The Generals all tell me the current weapons, just won’t kill the beast;
So why not try, experimental ones, they are worth a try at least;

The new weapons seem to be working; the beast is in full retreat;
I hope and pray that they can bring about this monsters quick defeat;
We have to keep on fighting, to bring its existence to a final end;
We cannot relax or even rest, until our defences we quickly mend;
The only chance to win this fight is to send its armies back to Hell;
We can only win when every trace has gone and we ring the victory bell;

My Rock, my Wife, my greatest love of all, she is the reason that I live;
She is base of the castle I have built and to her all my love that I can give;
My wife has been beside me through all my hopes and fears;
I pray that we will be together, for many, many years.
To all my other comrades in arms, I thank you for your support;
The war is far from over, the battles have not all been fought.

But if I should eventually loose the fight, there is one thing to know;
I will go to a very peaceful place where cancers cannot go;
Just remember all of you, that the fight has not just begun;
This beast cannot survive for long; its death will soon be done;
So please don’t shed a tear for me, I’ve had a long good life;
But if you feel you need to shed a tear, then shed it for my wife.