Food For Thought

No long post today. Just had to share some interesting facts…

1. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Americans spend $5.3 billion a year on potato chips – nearly half a billion dollars more than the National Cancer Institute’s $4.9 billion budget.

2. As a population, Americans continue to gain weight in spite of the clear connection between the girth of America and the major causes of modern death, including heart disease and cancer.

3. Baldwin Park, a suburb of Los Angeles is known as the birthplace of fast food drive throughs. The City Council has just placed a nine-month ban on drive throughs to focus attention on the obesity crisis. One city official from the municipality was on ABC World News last night saying that if folks wanted their fast food, they would have to at least walk a a few steps to get it. Now that’s–pun intended–a gutsy move.

Ummm… perhaps instead of complaining about the high cost of our medical expenses, we could save on our medical co-pays by also cutting down on our snack and junk food budgets.

PS: Due to a strong response to yesterday’s blog entry, we have started a petition to the NFL asking to see blue on their fields for equal awareness time. Hit the link and sign the petition.

Also, Karen Heller, a columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer, shared her thoughts on the awareness inequity and the NFL in A Stink About Pink in this morning’s paper.