Confusion and Difficulty with Treatment

Having been a physician in a relatively large city, I thought it would be easy finding the right physician for my thyroid cancer. Not so. Most of the local endo physicians are NOT experienced with using Thryogen injections which are used for preparation for RAI. In fact there are some who feel that withdrawal therapy should be the first form of hormone withdrawal instead of using Thryogen. Furthermore, no one in the city does RAI.

Fortunately, I live 50 miles from a teaching hospital which has a Thyroid Cancer Institute. I was able to talk with one of the physicians who treat thyroid cancer only. This research center rarely uses withdrawal for RAI preparation and feel comfortable with using Thyrogen for initial RAI in first time cancer patients.

I would recommend finding an endo provider who has experience in both forms of hormone withdrawal. I listened to several prior that simply would say that "Thyrogen is to expensive", "not available", the only accepted form of withdrawal", "We can't get it", "I don't know who is using it". These are the answers I would get from talking with several Endo's in the area that I have known for years.

My first RAI comes at the end of January. I will be able to blog more and offer some experience with the process. Most of the individuals that I have spoke with have had minimal side effects. And most of those who have done both would choose Thyrogen over withdrawal.

In summary, It was a struggle for me to find someone who I felt comfortable. Same with the finding the right surgeon. It takes time.