An apple a day might just keep the prostate cancer away ...

Thankfully my doctors drilled into my dense head early on after surgery and radiation treatment following my prostate cancer diagnosis in 2011 that the two most significant things I could do to help fend off a relapse were (1) engage in more exercise and (2) have a better diet. It's a fairly commonsense approach for anyone looking to stay healthy(er) regardless of whether or not you've ever had a dance with cancer. On the exercise front I try to workout at least 5 days a week, 30 minutes per day - and most weeks I meet that goal. On the food front, in general I stick to about an 80-20 rule with my diet -- eat smart/healthy 80% of the time - more if possible and the remaining 20% is for strategic (ch)eating since a life of total denial wouldn't be much fun.

This article on NBC News based on a recent journal article is what triggered this blog if you're interested -…