
Can't believe I am 11 weeks post-op. Time really does fly. I had posted in one of my earlier blogs that as I was in pre-op when one of the operating room nurses had stopped by and given me encouragement. She had told me and my wife that my surgeon was a very skilled and meticulous doctor. She had also said that she would recommend him to her father. I thought this was just a pep talk but my wife who is a nurse herself later told me that she knew at that time I was in good hands. When I asked her she replied " Nurses know, and if the O.R. nurse took the time to tell us that, she was sincere." I have just about lost all the soreness in my backside area now. I also rarely get those little spasms where you dribble a drop or two and it is no longer uncomfortable at all to void. E.D. is disappearing but I would of course like for that to go away yesterday. However, I feel truly blessed by God to be where I am. It could be much, much worse. When I was first diagnosed I was very embarrassd and ashamed of my condition. Now I am ready to tell the world what happened and try to help in any way I can someone else that may be suffering. I am proud to wear a survivor blue band.