The Journey Continues

A little over a year ago, I spoke about a challenge I was having with painful urination. I spent quite a bit of time back and forth to the urologist with little to no relief. I think that every medication available was used to combat the pain. Some made it even worse. To people on the outside looking in, I was a picture of health. Inside, I was hating life in the situation I was in. After demanding that something is done to find the source of this pain, my Urologist in Georgia decided to do a Retrograde Urethragram (RUG). It showed that I had a stricture with severe narrowing at the neck of the bladder. This was no surprise to me. I knew that there was a blockage of some type. We discussed my options and I chose to undergo a Transurethral surgical procedure to create an opening, remove scar tissue and to assess any damage from the radiation. To date, I am 5 days post surgery. At the moment, I am not feeling good at all but I know it's part of the process. I still have a catheter in place until Friday and that's part of my discomfort. I am hopeful that once it's removed, things will start to progress for the better. This has been a long and painful journey. But here's the thing, this experience will help me to become even more of an asset as an advocate for Prostate Cancer Patients. I am determined to educate, support and be a voice for the need for research on Prostate Cancer. My story continues...